Saturday, September 28, 2013


Yet again, another packed day!!  Roger is really good at planning these trips.

We got up, had breakfast (bread, cheese meat, yogurt, banana, etc.) oh but the hard boiled eggs were like NOT finished...I guess that is a "thing" but ew gross I gave mine away.  Could not handle that delicacy.  Our first outing was to the Deutsches Museum -- we got there right at 9:00 AM when they opened!  This museum was had sooo many different sections...I could have stayed in there all day.  We were only there for 90 minutes and I stayed in one/two rooms: the Biotechnology room, and in the basement right below that room was the Neuroscience room.  They were both amazing and interactive!  From this computer I got to put slides of microorganisms into a microscope and look at them on a screen, save a photo, and email it out (Mom and Aaron were the lucky receivers of that email).  I learned about cancer and cells and Leukemia (I got to cure a girl on this interactive system thing).  At some certain times of the day, there are student lab workers who do their work in the actual museum, and visitors can look over their shoulder and ask them questions and observe.  I wish they had been there when I was THERE!!  But Aaron would have loved this place.  I heard the physics room was amazing.

Interactive glass...the glass over those objects in boxes is all a touch screen, and when you'd touch certain objects they'd light up and you could read about them and the experiment

Biotech area is the white around the basement....the black boxes are the neuroscience booth things

We left the museum and walked into the city!  We had just over two hours to do some was insane in the city though.  It is Oktoberfest...which means lots of traditional clothing, beer, festivals, and SPENDING MONEY.  So many tourist shops and sales and food stands set was all so much to take in.  But we all got to wear our dirndls and lederhosen!!  I love them!

The famous coo-koo clock in Mariasplatz
Stephanie tried to take a picture of me...everybody walked in front of her haaaa

lady statue..she was moving!....
At 2:00 we went to this art museum... Alte Pinotek..?  An old fine arts museum.  I'll have to check on the name.  IT WAS AMAZING.  We had 90 minutes here as well, but a second group stayed longer for an extra hour (me, Kimber, Kelsee, Mara, Katie, Rachel).  But we got to take photos!!!  This was unreal.  We had an audio tour headset that was really interesting...facts and stories about the time period or whatever story it was based on.

random artist...series of Christ: birth, cross, and when He's taken down from the cross.  they were super dark.. I just loved em






this is what they thought of the art museum.

Our late group left at 5:15 and headed downtown to OKTOBERFEST!  It was insanity.  We were only there till 6:30 so I didn't get too many pictures of things cause we were busy running through crowds and holding our purses close and buying souvenirs and talking to drunk people.

Roger telling us to be careful and not talk to anybody


everyone buys these stupid heart cookies with messages on them and wears them around their necks


we are TWINS...she copied me. drunk man in background

We had a 45 minute drive back to our hotel, where we had another free dinner!  Potato cheese soup, then salad, then spaghetti, then dessert.  The dessert looked like ice cream..but it was NOT.  It was like a cream thing.  Haha quite a scare there.  Stephanie, Garrison and I talked for a while.  Then Haley, Tanner and Kimber joined us.  Everybody gets along so well.

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